
Rational public discourse is possible

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

The Optimum Pareto Foundation is engaged in developing intelligence and the human capacity to solve complex problems. Using proprietary methods and technologies of collective argumentation mapping, we bring out the potential inherent in rational dialogue. In addition, we conduct educational and popular science activities tailored to the needs of the contemporary labour market, science and civil society.

We are developing a dialogic decision support system - Swarmcheck.

We provide training and courses to strengthen critical thinking.


You can participate in building a Civilisation of Dialogue too! Let's talk about how you can join our community and what projects are worth doing together.

Make a donation

To make a traditional bank transfer,

make a donation to the account number below:

96 2030 0045 1110 0000 0384 9180

Transfer tytle: donation

Optimum Pareto Foundation

Celna 6/9, 30-507 Kraków


IBAN: PL96 2030 0045 1110 0000 0384 9180

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